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Comment: spokane valley acura adjustable beyond
7. 22, 2009 at 5:33.
” -If were talking about conventional electric cars that have to be plugged in, you have to consider how that electricity is being generated. The majority of power plants in this country are COAL-POWERED. If we all had electric cars, we wouldnt have any exhaust coming out of the cars, but there would be a lot more coal being burned to generate the electricity to charge the cars batteries. So how does that reduce pollution? ”
Comment: spokane valley acura In is
10. 26, 2009 at 22:9.
” -From the $10,000 to the $100,000 car, what do you really think the bottom line is? I sell cars and it seems that everyone thinks there is a ton of profit in a car, what do you think? ”
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4. 8, 2010 at 11:29.
” -How do I get bagege cars up to my airplane on fsx ”
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7. 10, 2009 at 2:33.
” -I am getting ready to buy a car and am wondering if anyone knows the best cars for tall people; I am 68". I definitely want a car, not a van or SUV. Thanks. ”
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8. 12, 2009 at 14:21.
” -I want to buy some protective shoes or boots for when I am working on cars. Does anyone have any recommendations or any insight on what I should look for? Thanks ”
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6. 13, 2009 at 3:11.
” -I tried searching for symbol but I couldnt find it. Ive seen it on the back of many cars either in black or white. Its a bird inside a circle. Mostly seen in the US. ”